Technological transitions are the tip of the iceberg:
Builds your musical profile via your Media Player's plug-in (Winamp, i-Tunes etc.) sending info. on what you're playing to Audioscrobbler's server. Your tastes can be compared & matched with other 'Audioscrobblers', think of it as a musical 'Friendster'. Goes beyond Amazon's "If you like this, you'll probably like this."
Online trading of live gigs, rare recordings, bootlegs etc.
Your personalised online radio station. For example, ban Westlife, block any Speed Metal and allow more 80s Soul & 90s West Coast Rap + experience new music from genres you selected, via Audioscrobbler's statistics -you are programme controller.
Just read the links & news about it. Like Tivo for Radio. Yush!
Major industy panic when Shawn Fanning unleashed Napster mainstream in 2000.
Well, here's the sequel Hollywood doesn't like, Bram Cohen with 'BitTorrent'. Let's see how legit this one goes/lasts......this and this, both must-reads. Bram's a deep dude, 'specially when it comes to puzzle solving!!
© 2005 Green Bandana Productions Ltd. Website design by Steve Mannion.