Dragon's Den? Probably. It's brutal, dramatic and grips me every time I catch it. X-Factor does much of the same though even with the democracy of the public voting, X-Factor veers more towards that whole glitz & glamour side of entertainment whereas 'Dragon's Den' is just cold & hard hitting as you watch entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas/products to the 5 Dragons (potential investors) who can suddenly turn nice or nasty in a split second.
I think 'Dragon's Den' just pips BBC's 'The Apprentice', even though a close old skool friend of mine, James Max was in the latter and nearly won. Main reason why is the fast turnover of pitches as compared to 'The Apprentice' drawing out 1 task per week.
As a viewer, I'm enthralled by Dragon Den's weekly 1-hour rollercoasting ride with added excitement from smart, succint, unassuming, presenter Evan Davis plus tight editing that all combine to hook you into constant uncertainty of whether the pitch you're watching will go sweet or sour.
You can really feel the pain some of those pitching go thru e.g this Yorkshire man, on an eco-mission to save the world with his flushing loo device that saved water; the fiery dragons weren't having any of it; no time for them to watch their dropped off friends swirling away down the khazi!!!
This is Reality TV really keeping it real instead of all that mindless tosh from all those other Reality TV shows I could mention.
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