Another living London legend (in the same league as "Best Of Luck To You" man) is Phil Howard, to my right. Phil's constant daily street sermons via megaphone on Oxford Street unfairly got him an ASBO (!) (help/sign this petition if you like) so Phil's moved shop to Picadilly Circus and toned down the loud MC-ing though he still rocks the M-I-C, praising Jesus at every opportune moment (maybe he should hook up with Dr. & the Medics for a 'Spirit In The Sky' remix revival?) with his runnin' re-iterated rhymes along the lines of "Are you a sinner or winner?", "Don't be shy, give it a try?"
Hell, Robbie Williams and Black Eyes Peas' "Where Is The Love?" got name-checks in yesterday's street raps!!
Phil's cropped up a lot lately e.g. a Channel 4 '3 Minute Wonder' doc. plus press in The Guardian as well as Time Out, particularly the letters page with World Tour sightings including Australia with Time Out quipping, "Pity the poor soul who had to sit next to Phil on the longhaul flight over" (!)
Phil's mission statement here, he's a further 'cool cult-celeb' worth the documented salute!!! The only one left then, for now, '20pence Man', though, alas, after the above pic was taken, I moved on to Oxford St. but in friendly fashion he declined the opportunity :(
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