F*ck!! Sometimes a song is so good that BAM! out of nowhere one of its hooks jumps into your brain when you least expect it and, because you're not that familiar with it yet, you just don't know what it is; it can drive you nuts. It's like a musical malaise, call it "Sample-itis".
Well, I got it real bad last night, literally in my dreams!!!! I woke up with this almost operatic 'Rocky Horror' type indie-goth lull of a chorus buzzing round my brain and to make matters worse, couldn't sing it that well, in the hope of someone being able to decipher it and tell me what it is. Luckily my brain vaguely recalled hearing it on Radio 1 with Zane Lowe, Thursday night, on my way to present my weekly "Nuts TV" music expert slot.
So, after a bit of Googling, You-Tubing & Radio 1 tracklists, that gorgeous "Eureka!" moment arrived. Song in question, and better late than never for one of 2007's BEST singles of the year.....(opens envelope & drum roll......) Late Of The Pier with "Bathroom Gurgle" on Moshi Moshi. When such tearing hooks invade the brain so randomly, that's a serious mark of a seriously good tune!!! Just downloaded it here - now a firm favourite to be dropped for sure at my last DJ date of 2007, New Year's Eve @ Razzmatazz; make sure you reach!
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