One of my best dj sets ever @ Razz last night in Barcelona so said Paul (pictured left photo/far right) - thank you!
Plenty of quirky main-room crowd characters including one hot-blooded senorita scrawling track requests on her chest, another carving hers on a nearby speaker in black biro (no suprise I couldn't play what she wanted), mobile txt msg requests in full effect 2, podium ravers, the semi-comatosed 'weirdie beardie' up front, beer bottle(s) fimly glued in hand (respect!) and plenty of scribbled notes / kind words handed to me frantically whilst DJ-ing like the one on the left/as pictured.
Shouts/Thanks to: Javi, Xavi , Silvia + posse in effect (ie Lisi, Dulcie + the aforementioned Mr. Brix) plus Mickey Moonlight (from Ed Banger fame/label).
Enjoyed our engrossing 'state of music' chat including its current digital state; Mickey raising the interesting point how much of the whole MP3/download culture unfortunately discredits the 'behind the scenes' talent who also help make the music e.g. bass players, remixers, engineers, person(s) who mastered/mixed the tune etc. With the CD/Vinyl, sleeve credits were there & fair and not only an interest to geeks/spotters but potential business for those credited; alas you don't get that with your typical download :(
As the flight back beckoned, so did the rain and over a lovely late lunch with Christian and posse at El Foro (great mix of food where we were stuffed on starters alone!), the discussion focused on morals, ethics and sinning.
Redemption from the cold weather/snow on Sunday came lazily whilst reading mags/papers in bed, accompanied by some seriously superb Sushi from MeLoveSushi then rising to rinse-out the triple 'Churches' (Camden, Soho & Notting Hill) before checking out 'The Wrestler', where, if more redemption is needed (not enough in the film though by no means a bad thing) - Mickey Rourke must win 'Best Actor' Oscar for his stunning performance as broken man, Randy "The Ram" Robinson.
(Pictured at 'Revolver' premiere, Mickey Rourke & James Hyman)
© 2005 Green Bandana Productions Ltd. Website design by Steve Mannion.