Kanye West's 'comeback' single is f*cking hot! So hot, it was my instant 'Tune Of The Week' on 'The Rinse'. Sampling Shirley Bassey's Bond song, "Diamonds Are Forever", I have to wonder how much Kanye was inspired by listening to the James Hyman/Audio Shrapnel 007 mix-CD (track 5!!), played & given to him when I interviewed him at Xfm last December.
'Diamonds Are Forever' is pretty much my clear favourite Bond film. Connery, super smooth, slicker than any oil tanker spillage. As a kid, watching this at a birthday party, I was petrified by that cremation scene. Gay baddies, Mr. Kidd & Mr. Wint, the two Russ Meyer-ish bad girls, Bambi & Thumper and plenty of class quotes (Most memorable - Bond to Mr. Wint: "Mouton Rothschild IS a claret. And, I've smelled that aftershave before, and both times - I've smelled a rat." - yes yes!!
Finally a cam-phone-pic (thanks Kate!) with true local celebrity & urban legend, Mr. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!!!. Sainsburys Camden regulars will surely have heard him belt out the above phrase repeatedly with the sincerest of warm grins; respect!!
Listen up Del Monte, Kio-Ora or Tango, sponsor this dude - all he ever seems to buy is Oranges!!
Next up Oxford St.'s 20 pence Man....aoooowwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!
Staggered to stumble across this Facebook group and see the INSANE amount of members (over 3,000!), messages & love (over 500 posts!) for the don-dada who I didn't know until now was called, "Horis" or "Horace" or "Stanley" (!), how he could get so riled, his phenomenal memory for names, the crayon drawings plus asking nuff girl dem for kisses!!
Brilliant anecdotes from those who've been touched by Finchley's finest (and what a global reach!!), a song dedicated to him!!! as well as YouTube clips of "Horis/Horace/Stanley" in full effect like this one and this though, if you see the ledge, please avoid teasing/being cruel etc. be kind instead, you know it makes sense!
BONKERS!!!! The legend lives on, quite rightly so, get that statue/blue plaque up IMMEDIATELY and yes, best group on Facebook right now!!!
Amy Murtagh wrote
at 1:04am on September 17th, 2007
Ah HorrACE used to come in to Sainsbury's when I worked there and buy a huge packet of sausage rolls with one pence coins. and he would always ask me if he could give me a kiss. I always politely declined and said I was married. The man IS Finchley.
Caroline Giles wrote
at 6:17pm on August 29th, 2007
I know Horace quite well - we used to live in the next block of flats to him on the grange estate. He lived with his mum and dad and brother John. His real name is Stanley but he got so fed up with people chasing him and calling him that he changed his name. There were stories of his dad being an axe murderer - not true! He actually stabbed a burglar with a screwdriver (not fatal). Horris still remembers my sisters birthday when he sees her - 25 years later!!
Helen Pieri wrote
at 7:52pm on August 26th, 2007
He looks no different!! I can't believe it. I used to work in Coombes bakers in north finchley on a saturday about 24 years ago and he came in every week. He would buy a whole gateau then sit on the floor and eat it! He also liked to buy about 15 custard tarts and do the same. Must be something in it as he hasn't aged a bit!! Amazing to see him on here.
Roger Luck wrote
at 6:15pm on July 15th, 2007Well I was a very good friend of Horaces dad: Mr. William White, who used to work on the buses and died about 15 years ago. I can clear up some of the myths for you. He was originally called Stanley, but changed his name to Horace in the early 80s. His Dad wasn't too impressed with this and legally he is still called Stanley....but he hates it. His mum got Rubella when pregnant with 'Stanley' and hence he suffered some brain damage at birth. His mother became blind and passed away in the late 70's, but he continued living on 'The Grange' in N.2. with his Dad. His brother is known to be a very violent man, and is currently inside. I believe he also has a sister. His Dad was a real gent and asked me to always keep an eye on Horace when I could, which I do. Unfortunately he has diabetes, and isn't helped by his inability to stick to a diet. 'Coke and fries, Horace'. Would you believe Horace is in his 40's. Basically Horace has a good heart and I hope you guys will keep an eye out for him
Nick Coleman wrote
at 10:03am on June 20th, 2007
Horris has an amazing memory, i told him my name was MR.Perfect back in the day on my 18th birthday outside the coachstop (remember that quality boozer). he didnt even write it down in his colouring book and five years later walking past the tally ho he sees me and shouts "allo Mr Perfect, the best of luck!" i nearly shit.
Navid Shaikh wrote
at 10:20pm on June 18th, 2007I remember Horris as far back as my school days in Finchley Catholic (1987).Its about a year ago whilst on the way to a wedding reception in town that I saw him outside the golden arches, my ex exclaimed "Look at that poor man there! probably very hungry and we're off to stuff our faces...what could I do but park up and ask what he would prefer chicken of beef..he wanted chicken so I bought him a chicken Mcsandwich. put a big ole smile on his face...he then told me that I forgot the chips..Cheeky sod! The best of Luck Horris..
Luke Martin wrote
at 9:44pm on June 17th, 2007"horace is a brilliant businessman.
just the other day i saw hm sell a cassette tape of his trademark torrent of expletives for a FIVER!"
Simon Myers (no network) wrote
at 3:55pm on June 16th, 2007
He was bullied by Nazi Skinheads as a child.
They always asked him the same question?
When we flick this coin you choose Heads or Tails.
If it was head he would get a kick in.
They would flick the coin untill it was Heads.
Say Heads to Horris and see what happens to you.
Best of luck to you, Best of luck.
Good timing, what with 'Revenge Of The Sith' imminent; now create your own "Pope"-Culture conspiracy:
Talking of 'Star Wars', check/click pic. below:
Just how we like it here at Green Bandana, funny, quirky/silly takes on pop-culture, a refreshing addition to all that Lego Star Wars bizzness or even this new mad 'Store Wars'. My thumb has gone to the Darth side from 'nuff Blackberry pressure!!
Quick stop in Barcelona Friday night for a DJ set at the Pop Bar/Club Razz.
Dinner first @ Shoko, great decor including Querelle imagery projected on drapes & hanging trapeze (!)
Perfect hostess Patricia (right) bought other guests Tree (left) & Nisha (far left) from 'Ten Minutes With My Dad'. Great name! Before meeting Tree & Nisha, Patricia tells me we've got dinner with 'Ten Minutes With My Dad'; I was baffled for a minute, "Why's she bringing her old man? etc." - you had to be there.
My DJ set was more indie/alternative than my previous main Room Razz sets, dropping everything from The Fall, Stone Roses, Libertines & Bloc Party, ending around 5:30AM with Nina Simone's version of the Beatles' 'Here Comes The Sun'; great intimate up-for-it crowd & thanks to those 3 Barcelona-based Brits who invited me back for their post-party; next time!
Instead I hung with the ladies: Tabitha from Queens Of Noize & the 'Dusk Till Dawn' transformed, Ten Minutes With My Dad. Shame to have missed Ten Minutes peform as I'm told they really f*cking go for it - fighting, sex, tearing each other's clothes off etc. - ya get me?!!!
Earlier at dinner, Tree revealed herself to be a fine female geek; in true Tarantino style, she does the video-rental shop thing, watching & recommending films all day & night and puts on related events too.
"And then Juliette Lewis came up to me and said......"
This nuts Spanish guy (below) insisted on a picture, maybe he thought this was a porno shoot and his luck was in - umm, er, no.
William Burroughs long-lost cousin strolls down the corridor with wheely luggage about to leave for somewhere like Istanbul. I had to stop him for a picture with the gals; Mack Daddy big pimpin'!!!
This is Agoria, he makes great 'Tech-tronica' or whatever you want to call it.
At the airport:
Is this masked guy a 'Do' or 'Don't'. I couldn't tell. Maybe one of those secret Altern-8 fans still mourning their split or the rave days, no Vicks in sight or smelling distance; top one, nice one, get sorted!!!
Street 'Yoot' Culture has been provocatively played out superbly over the years - stateside, you had 'Boyz In The Hood', and you're so right, Larry Clark's 'Kids' & 'Bully'.
Brazil literally blew my brains out with 'City Of G-d'; furious favela grilling 'Pulp Fiction' and if you wanna go way back to the old school, dig out 'Pixote'.
Now it's time for the UK to show it's hard enough with 'Kidulthood' & 'Bulletboy'. Many similarities between the two - both low-budget directorial debuts (for 'Menhaj Huda' & 'Saul Dibb' respectively), both mediate on gun culture with an 'urban' backdrop, both are compelling pieces of film, successful in their own right.
Strictly speaking, it's not that fair to blog on both films as 'Kidulthood' isn't quite finished yet (sadly not even a picture I can upload yet!!) plus I'm one of the Music Supervisors for 'Kidulthood'.
I'll be honest, avoid bias and ramble on - what I've seen, know and wrote above, both pics. deserve major props. Massive Attack's Robert Del Naja scores 'Bulletboy' typically Bristolian, dark 'n moody. 'Bulletboy' lead, Asher D has already imitated art for his role having done time for real; the prison cell in the film was the one where he served some of his sentence for firearm possession (!)
Another similarity - 'Jamie Winstone' in both films. Blink and you'll miss her in 'Bulletboy', in 'Kidulthood', you can't avoid her breathtaking, shocking, stunning performance. Just picture Dad, Ray Winstone schooling daughter Jamie to take a long hard 'butchers' at 'Nil By Mouth' and 'Scum' etc. - boy has she carried on that family's acting baton in gritty style!
'Kidulthood' is explicit with reason, without being stupid or gratuitious; sure to get the Daily Mail brigade up in arms ('scuse the pun!), far more than 'Bulletboy'. Like Chris Morris' 'Brass Eye' paedophilia furore, you wonder how many of those protesting MPs will actually end up seeing the film before they attempt to 'Ban this filth!'.
Absolutely speechless & had to sit down, sorry I was sitting down, when Craig plopped me this link. GAME F*CKING OVER!!!!! and so, last night, RichColour's 'MasterMix' site re-awakened a large chunk of my aural adolescence, so 'ere come - download devestation for all you mix-nostalgia freaks!!
During my early teens in those mid-80s, my musical drug of choice was mainly the flavour of RichColour's site - that constant fix of Street Sounds Electro comps., exclusive DMC DJ-only Mixes (luckily my mate Gregor had an in via his dad's Picadilly nightclub, 'Shaftesbury's') & Pirate Radio.
House music and Acid House music were bubbling ghetto-red and boy, do I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when Steve 'Silk' Hurley's 'Jack Your Body' hit UK no.1, this slice of stuttering, faceless alien beats and repetitive rhythm totally disobeying Pop Music's conventional rules - no pretty boy or girl, verse, chorus etc. nope, just one anonymous cool Chicago Jackmaster banging the box - I was loving it!!
Other musical memories like DJ Jay Strongman (what da f*ck happened to him?) playing 'Blue Velvet' on then-illegal Kiss FM one Sunday afternoon. Or hearing Bomb The Bass's 'Beat Dis' blaring from a St. Paul's School boarding house ground floor window with its alarm-clock beeps amidst amother cacophonic cut-ups; staggering! Similarly, playing M.A.R.R.S' 'Pump Up The Volume (Les Adams DMC Mix)' non-stop off a Morgan Khan 'Upfront' compilation, waiting for a bus to take me to Wimbledon - oh gosh, feel the rush!!!
Like a Pavlovian dog, I'd dribble furiously when a new 'Jack Trax' or Serious Records 'Best Of House' compilation/Megamix hit the shops; come on Rich - upload some of these mutha mixes - YUSH!!!
A similar rush from Dakeyne's DMC mixes like his Sigue Sigue Sputnik's "Love Missile" or Soft Cell's "Tainted Love" - choc full of samples - ahh yeah!
Next, some 'Edit Terrorism' from the Latin Rascals (who I picked up on mainly thru their Pet Shop Boys productions) and Chad Jackson's DMC Megamixes and Remixes.
Chad's stuff (and I guess Lez Adams' too) was the only reason I kept subscribing to DMC's monthly mix pakage. Highlights etched on the brain include Chad's backward masking of Prince's 'Sign Of The Times', 'putting a little snare in them speakers' for his Kraftwerk 'Tour De Breaks' remix but unanimously everyone nods to his 'Best Of '88 Rap' (PLAY THAT MUSIC NOW!), a tight as f*ck, frantic round-up of that year's bangers, a rollercoasting rap-ride intro-ed by bizarre banter between Chad & Sefton Terminator X (which DJ Shadow even more bizarrely sampled!). Chad J, another DJ/Pop-Star/Producer etc. whose terrific talents made a lasting impression on me and plenty of B-Boys, homeboys and, dare I say it.........'wiggers' (!) out there, specially in Mastermix.Org land.
It was great to pay my respects to Chad (pictured right) in person at the 1996 DMC World Mixing Championships in Rimini which I was filming for MTV, plus judging the event at the same time too.
All previous winners, apart from DJ Cheese were there to show-off for an exhibition event with Chad being gently bullied by DMC don and head-honcho, Tony Prince to get up and do some scratching. Long gone were Chad's award-winning snooker-cue scratching days & Elvis 'If You're Looking For Trouble' intro from '86; Chad kept pleading with Tony Prince to be excused!!
Get hold of the 1996 World DMC Mixing Championships DVD from that Rimini event. To me, it contains possibly some of the best turntable-ism I've ever witnessed. Much of today's, I find random noise whereas back then, you could see, hear and understand the dexterity - just soak up Roc Raida's twists on LL Cool J's 'Going Back To Cali', DJ Noise mightily murdering the spine-tingling theme to cult-horror flick, Phantasm or DJ Q-Bert f*ck Malcolm Mclaren & Buffalo Gals quotes to oblivion while DJ Ca$h Money nods along behind, beaming with joyous respect.
Having to 'Pause For The Cause' and tape loads of this stuff like RichColour has obviously done, and respect to him, was radio religion, reaching fever pitch in the early 90s with Coldcut's truly-legendary Friday night 1AM-3AM, then Saturday night 1AM-3AM shows. I've often paid homage to Coldcut with them being a major inspiration in the way I present/produce my radio shows; coincidentally, Xfm's Rinse now airs in the same slots as their seminal shows once did on Kiss.
How many Saturday nights were interrupted and girlfriends pissed off with me rushing off around 12:45AM to hit da pause; back then I hadn't sorted out an automatic timer. Geez, I remember once leaving a VERY hot date at a Maceo Parker gig in Kentish Town for an 'Alien Sphinx' Coldcut special!!!
Getting access to vinyl Megamixes like those DMCs (pictured above) & Double Trouble/House Megamixes was heavenly manna. James Hamilton's columns in Jocks magazine kept the appetite all the more insatiable with his onomatopeic reviews of all these tunes and the volcanic dance explosion happening at the time.
Shame there's not more MP3-documented chat & sound bytes from the kings of the time i.e. Westwood, Mike Allen, Bill Mitchell, Colin Faver, etc.
If I were dishing out New Year's honours, easily achieving excellence would be eco-friendly RichColour who would nab several. Think I'll have to add RichColour to my geeks/Hall of Fame blog, arise Sir Mastermix, Mastermix, Mastermix.......
James Hyman follows his February Club Razz DJ set with another session in the Pop Bar, Friday April 15th; make sure you reach!!
Sin City's currently US No.1 Box Office - my film geek mate Rohne (who devours flix like I do music) agrees it's one of the best comic-book to celluloid transfers, surpassing other Frank Miller works adapted by Hollywood e.g. 'Daredevil', Tim Burton's 'Batman' & 'Batman Returns' plus 'Robocop 2' & 'Robocop 3'.
There's a strong Tarantino link not just because QT directed bits but the film has that 'Pulp Fiction' feel - the circular plot & characters re-appearing in past times. Miller says he & QT are separated at birth - neither knowing each other's work until Rodriguez hooked them up, so when they met, "It was merrderr!"
Keeping on the Super Hero tip, Bryan Singer's video blog (like Peter Jackson's King-Kong video diary) runs in tandem to up-and-coming 'Superman Returns'.
LocalSuperHeroes celebrates 'average-joe' Superhero activity in the press with accompanying doodles:
Check this:
- a geeked database for loads of lesser-known global superheroes, like Mach Zero from 2000AD strip, Israel's Moshe Muklabi aka 'Haayal' or Filipino 'Zarbot'.
Can someone hurry up & bring on the film version excursion of the Silver Surfer!?!!!
Finally, he certainly was a Super Hero to many and in his own right, the late great Pope John Paul II. Props for trying on Bono's sunglasses in exchange for rosary beads (instead of Record & Tape Exchange vouchers!) and having breakdancers get fresh at the Vatican.
This 'HomoPater' picture is from a comic featuring the late Pope John Paul II by Colombian artist Rodolfo Leon Valencia shown in Bogota, Colombia, April 4, 2005. Valencia has produced a comic book story about the late Pope John Paul II, showing him as a superhero who fights evil. YUSH!!!!
From April issue featuring 007 & Tarantino Mix-CDs:
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