Doug Jones' e-mail - a double reminder to check the L.A. Film Festival & buy Fatboy Slim's 'Greatest Hits' CD compilation or the 'Why Make Videos' DVD - both include Fatboy Slim's 1st video, for 'Santa Cruz', produced/directed by James Hyman.
The common thread here is cool, geeky guys (loons?!) who have creatively used blogging and/or a basic web site as a media-savvy means to an end. Fame? Yes. Fortune? Not for all concerned.....yet, but in the future....perhaps.
My mate Mavis did it 'Greeting The 500', Kyle MacDonald's doing it superbly with 'One Red Paperclip' where his goal is to trade a, er, red paperclip for a house whilst Winter's goal has been to visit every single Starbucks worlwide (!!!) and yes, 'Starbucking' the movie/doc. is on the way. Similarly, 'ASDA-man', 80 year old Richard Bunn recently finished a 15 year mission trekking to ALL 265 ASDA supermarkets in the UK (spending nearly £20K in petrol doing so)!!!
Lest we forget super-smart student Alex Tew whose cyber-spark of an idea, 'The Million Dollar Homepage', a web site geared to sell a million pixels, minted him over that amount in just over 4 months - genius!
Any bright inspirations (of course I require the obligatory blog!) to do something with my huge (35,000+/fully catelogued) CD collection? At present, I'm stumped. Ideas/deals/offers/bets most welcome here......!!!
Time permitting, here's a tiny fraction (!) of what's inspired/caught my eye from the mountainous bulk of print/web I've enjoyed reading of late:
Yes, Peter Chandler kept alive on the perilous seas by the sounds of tartan terror (!) Rod 'The Mod' Stewart, all together now, "I am sailing....":
Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jay-Z lawsuit; I say settle it in the ring and on the mike, then in court.....
Would a dead guy have such a tight grip on the phone? "Sorry mate, the role's gone to someone else......"
More from Bizarre. Uri Geller maybe nuts, but the fans?.........
Staying weird a double dose of 'FT', first some smart art from Susanna Hesselberg:
For the millionth time, Vice Mag rules. As good as the 'DOs & DONTs' fashion column is the odd products sent in/discovered, 'Tidbits', all hail then the Vice issue that was solely devoted to 'Tidbits'. However, this 'Golly! Gosh!' item featured in 'The Islanders' issue when Vice hit Barra Island, Scotland:
The first DJ? My money was always on Sir Jimmy but you can always dig deeper....
I've blogged 'mash-ups' loads; if you have some hours to kill, check my loose/un-edited potted 'Scratch' history here. Again, you can always trace further back, e.g. 1979 for an early TV Mash-Up, courtesy of the ground-breaking 'Arena' series:
More 'Dance/Club' culture, first up, 1st hand insight into that Aphex Twin urban myth:
......and superb summing up of the 'Rave' era by Moby in equally superb, thinking man's 'dance' journal, 'Urb':
Richard Lawrence & Lauren Olney's Quickie-Porn, on a YouTube near you soon....?
Tearing T-shirts, right here:
Xfm's Big Night out returns this Thursday at Carling Brixton Academy. It's sold out but we've 3 x pairs of tickets to the first 3 who reply here. James Hyman DJ-ing 11PM-1AM.
Also, making a welcome return is the TDK Cross Central Festival. The last August Bank Holiday event was a blast and in its 3rd year running, TDK/Cross Central 2006 promises to deliver the previous high standards. James Hyman confirmed as host for Xfm Arena.
Just stating the obvious with the letter to Record Collector below in the ongoing format debate - MP3, Vinyl, CD etc. etc.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Killington [mailto:mrcd@btopenworld.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 1:36 AM
To: James Hyman
Hello James, how are you? It's Dave the grumpy owner of Mister CD, Berwick Street here.
I am enjoying your ongoing debate about the future of music as in mp3 downloads vs. physical product sales.
There always seems to be some things overlooked in these debates, which is this? One of the beauties of owning a psychical object being a record, cd or dvd is that when times arise and you need to raise some cash, there is always a chance to sell off some rarely played discs that can be sacrificed from your collection to satisfy this. Even, if it's only to raise a few quid for going to the pub.
With buying downloads you are purchasing digital air without any resale value what so ever. I think this will dawn on the mp3 lovers someday, when they are trying to raise funds to pay that annoying phone bill.
Keep up the good work,
If you think my letter above's anal, love this guy's letter 2 tha editor of 'Sight & Sound', about out-of sync subtitles in the f-ing phenomenal french frilla, "Hidden". Michael Brooke, you're so right (Larry), genius!
A movie geek mate of mine, more as a scam/ruse, used to complain to the projectionists about a 'hair in the gate' flicking continuously throughout his performance and would get showered with months of free cinema visits!!
And finally back to Record Collector and in this month's May issue, I'm staggered by the 'eBay-Watch' column, specifically the 'Basco Vs The Electroliners' record going for over £5,000!! Wish I could find my copy......the pain!!
Chart history created this week when Crazy' went straight to no.1 on downloads only, without needing physical sales to get there! You've probably heard this tracked caned by Zane on Radio 1 with its subsequent BBC TV spots promoting the station but where was it first world premiered on radio last year? Thanks to a superb eclectic guest mix from Sebastien Tellier, 'Crazy' was played worlwide first, on Xfm's Rinse, to be precise - September 17.
The current Music Week with its focus on the digital market and its associated 'DIY Culture' is a great read, plenty of interesting points of view raised:
Lovin' Last FM, super-smart software:
"Spare some change pleeze?" Forget selling Big Issue......
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