Let's give far more props to THE BEST OF LUCK TO YOU GUY. Spurred on by DJ Oven Gloves e-mail (below), I want to at least see 'Bolty' get a film biopic, bring it on!!!!
-----Original Message-----[START]
From: Matthew Grainger
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:57 PM
To: James Hyman
Hello James, Matthew / OvenGloves here again, I had to drop you another line, coz I just looked at your pics on your MySpace, and I couldnt believe my eyes - you know "Best Of Luck" Guy too! I love that dude! When I lived in East Finchley and Muswell Hill, he used to prowl round the old 7-11 and up the High Street, doing his "BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!". Does he still swear loads too? He used to go "YOU BASTARD!!! YOU F******* C***!!!!" but with a big smile on his boat. Love the fact you got him up with pics of Rourke and Simmons and the gang - he's as much of a legend as those guys, but in select circles!! I miss that guy.....
Anyway, whatever....just thought it worth a mention, cheers for reading my waffle, and hope to hear summat from you soon.
Midlander (There Can Be Only One)
-----Original Message-----[END]
Let's take 'Bolty' to the top:
Post a comment and/or your own sighting on my MySpace pictures section.
Good luck and, er, THE BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!!!
As Ferris Bueller famously quipped, "If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it" - boy does that apply to how I clock the current release rate of films!!
Movies really come and go at an alarming rate and unlike music which you can multi-task to (i.e. simply have on in the car, bath, gym etc., films require proper attention/concentration). In short, I just don't have time to digest flix in the same way I do music or mags; I keep collecting but not consuming as many films as I'd like to.
Anyway, this quick blog is really to flag up 'A Scanner Darkly', after receiving a request from Tommy Pallotta this morning to be added as a friend to my MySpace profile. How could I decline? This film visually looks the absolutely f*cking bomb!! The trailer(s) kick(s) ballistics & you've got Richard Linklater directing with the aforementioned Tommy one of the producers.
With the DVD still sealed (!), I regrettably missed 'Waking Life' for the very rambling reasons at the start of this blog but will NOT for the life of me miss 'A Scanner Darkly'; sometimes you just have to capture the zeitgeist and do it there and then rather than wait for DVD/TV or dare I say it, download or crappy tiny-screen aeroplane viewing.
Philip K. Dick's writing is right up there with Rod Serling's 'Twilight Zone' - classic, original, provovative sci-fi storytelling (No Rod/Twilight Zone, No X-Files). Both Serling and Dick are no strangers to Hollywood screen adaptation, the former having had many shorts translated (or ripped off!) to big screen e.g. 'What Women Want' could well be attributed to the 'Penny For Your Thoughts' episode. Chucky from the Child's Play films? Surely a healthy nod to 'Talking Tina' / the "Living Doll"? 'Nuff of Spielberg's Sci-Fi & The Truman Show etc. all influenced by, 'The Twilight Zone'.
And the latter?, well game over for 3 such epics, "Bladerunner", "Minority Report" and "Total Recall".
Sin City's celluloid sheen was visually stunning; I f*ing LOVED it! (as mix-CD fans and regular readers of this blog should know) Fortunately, the film also did very good B.O. - I dearly hope 'A Scanner Darkly' goes the same way and doesn't end up too cult for its own good; these works demand mass audience.
'Sing Song' Mix-CD review from DJ Yoda in Hip-Hop Connection Magazine, July 06:
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